Tuesday, June 11, 2024

The Digital Uzbekistan Forum Unveils ATMeye.iQ New Features

ATM fleet management has become more convenient. BS/2 developers released the 1.8.0 version of ATMeye.iQᴺᴳ software for offline ATM monitoring, prompt dispute resolution, and strong device security. The latest features will be presented on 12-13 June 2024 at the Digital Uzbekistan Forum in Tashkent.

The key changes in 1.8.0 are a result of feedback from partners and users. BS/2 continuously improves its software functionality in response to customer requests.

Security for ATMs on Windows XP

ATMeye.iQᴺᴳ capabilities extend beyond modern self-service devices. 1.8.0 version makes the new functionality compatible with Windows XP ATMs. Criminals are more likely to attack legacy devices. ATMeye.iQᴺᴳ can enhance security and continuously monitor previous-generation devices.

Integration with Teltonika GPS Trackers

In December 2023, the software development team successfully integrated ATMeye.iQᴺᴳ with Teltonika GPS trackers. Teltonika devices are already connected to additional sensors – seismic activity, drilling, gas, temperature, etc. As a result of this upgrade, the ATM can respond quickly to external impacts even without being connected to the power supply or mobile network.

Teltonika GPS trackers make ATM locations accessible offline. Through ATMeye.iQᴺᴳ, the bank can be notified promptly when an unauthorized device is moved along the entire route. Additionally, BS/2 can integrate devices from other manufacturers to provide enhanced functionality for managing ATM fleets.

Personalized Messages

ATMeye.iQᴺᴳ targeted notifications enable staff to customize messages based on their objectives. An added feature divides notifications into categories and subcategories according to ATM events (technical issues, security alerts, etc.). Personal notifications can be sent by E-mail and Telegram.

The Optimization of Data Storage

ATMeye.iQᴺᴳ significantly improves data processing and storage. Due to the upgrade, MongoDB can now store and back up critical data externally. It reduces support costs for the primary server and adds an extra layer of protection and safety. Cold storage preserves data for longer periods without overflowing the main server.

The Forum’s Agenda

BS/2 is the main sponsor of the Digital Uzbekistan Forum. At booth №11-12, the company will present the latest generation of software solutions, as well as hardware for the banking sector. This equipment is made by the world’s leading manufacturers. Among them are Diebold Nixdorf, SUNMI, Sargent & Greenleaf, Magner, Bankosa, Henkovac and others.

In addition, key BS/2 employees will participate in panel discussions. Kirill Ovsiannikov, BS/2 Deputy General Director for Strategic Development, will present a report together with Umid Xojibekov, Head of Current Operations and Retail Business Control Department of AICB ‘Ipak Yuli’. The attendees will discuss the role of self-service channels in optimizing bank operations and improving customer service in the joint presentation ‘SMART ATM in Uzbekistan: 7 years of cooperation between Ipak Yuli Bank and BS/2’.

Visit the Digital Uzbekistan forum to discover the latest innovations in banking equipment and software solutions, and to learn more about Uzbekistan’s banking sector prospects!